Custom Gutenberg Block Development with React

Gutenberg is a new block editor introduced in WordPress. Blocks are the components of Gutenberg. Blocks are simply reusable easy to use components. In this session, Imran will demonstrate how to write custom Gutenberg blocks with the help of available tools while explaining the States and attributes of the block and other concepts of Gutenberg block.

This session is intended for Developers, Project Managers and anyone who like to know what happens behind the scene of Gutenberg Editor.

About Imran Sayed

Imran’s WordPress journey began in 2015, where he started learning WordPress and Javascript. Imran is a WordCamp Speaker, Translation Contributor, Plugin and Theme Developer currently associated with rtCamp. Apart from this, Imran has a passion for teaching and sharing knowledge which led him to start his YouTube channel in 2013, where he teaches Programming on WordPress and Laravel.

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