Gorakh will shed light on Mythconceptions of WordPress

In 2019, WordPress is more oftenly used as Website, Application server and many more things than just a blog. In this session Gorakh will walk you through the myth conception in WordPress ecosystem prevailing as of today. Beliefs like are

  • Page Builders a step up or trap?
  • Minimum/Maximum number of plugins one should use?
  • WordPress managed hosting, optimization services and care plans are they really adding value to your WordPress Business or simply adding to the costs?

This Session is intended for everyone who uses WordPress.

About Gorakh

Gorakh is an Industrial Engineer by prior training. An MBA from HEC Paris. Ever curious & learning Yoga student and a passionate coach & a traveller at heart. Currently, he is a Vice President (Strategy & Business Development) of The Nickelwala Group. Gorakh has experience over 15 years of handling leadership roles and helping organisations to scale and grow. Web Development, Digital Communications, Career counselling and Startup mentoring are areas of his significant expertise.

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